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Class LocalActionButtonExtensions


Contains extension methods to setup locally defined actions for FrooxEngine.IButtons which are triggerable by anyone.
Due to their nature, they will only work while the FrooxEngine.User that creates them hasn't left the session. As such, they will be destroyed when the local user leaves, and won't be saved either (marking it non-persistant).

public static class LocalActionButtonExtensions
Inherited Members


LocalActionButton(UIBuilder, in LocaleString, Action<Button>)

Creates a FrooxEngine.UIX.Button using the given text and action.
The action will be triggerable by anyone, as long as the creating FrooxEngine.User hasn't left the session. As such, it will be destroyed when the local user leaves, and won't be saved either (marking it non-persistant).

public static Button LocalActionButton(this UIBuilder builder, in LocaleString text, Action<Button> action)


builder UIBuilder

The builder to use for creating the button.

text LocaleString

The text displayed on the button.

action Action<Button>

The action to run when pressed.



The button created by the FrooxEngine.UIX.UIBuilder.

LocalActionButton(UIBuilder, Uri, LocaleString, in colorX, in colorX, Action<Button>)

Creates a FrooxEngine.UIX.Button using the given text, icon, tints and action.
The action will be triggerable by anyone, as long as the creating FrooxEngine.User hasn't left the session. As such, it will be destroyed when the local user leaves, and won't be saved either (marking it non-persistant).

public static Button LocalActionButton(this UIBuilder builder, Uri icon, LocaleString text, in colorX tint, in colorX spriteTint, Action<Button> action)


builder UIBuilder

The builder to use for creating the button.

icon Uri

The icon displayed on the button.

text LocaleString

The text displayed on the button.

tint colorX

The background color of the button.

spriteTint colorX

The tint of the icon.

action Action<Button>

The action to run when pressed.



The button created by the FrooxEngine.UIX.UIBuilder.

LocalActionButton(UIBuilder, Uri, LocaleString, Action<Button>)

Creates a FrooxEngine.UIX.Button using the given text, icon and action.
The action will be triggerable by anyone, as long as the creating FrooxEngine.User hasn't left the session. As such, it will be destroyed when the local user leaves, and won't be saved either (marking it non-persistant).

public static Button LocalActionButton(this UIBuilder builder, Uri icon, LocaleString text, Action<Button> action)


builder UIBuilder

The builder to use for creating the button.

icon Uri

The icon displayed on the button.

text LocaleString

The text displayed on the button.

action Action<Button>

The action to run when pressed.



The button created by the FrooxEngine.UIX.UIBuilder.

LocalActionButton(UIBuilder, Uri, Action<Button>)

Creates a FrooxEngine.UIX.Button using the given icon and action.
The action will be triggerable by anyone, as long as the creating FrooxEngine.User hasn't left the session. As such, it will be destroyed when the local user leaves, and won't be saved either (marking it non-persistant).

public static Button LocalActionButton(this UIBuilder builder, Uri icon, Action<Button> action)


builder UIBuilder

The builder to use for creating the button.

icon Uri

The icon displayed on the button.

action Action<Button>

The action to run when pressed.



The button created by the FrooxEngine.UIX.UIBuilder.

LocalActionButton<T>(UIBuilder, in LocaleString, Action<Button, T>, T)

Creates a FrooxEngine.UIX.Button using the given text and action with an extra argument.
The action will be triggerable by anyone, as long as the creating FrooxEngine.User hasn't left the session. As such, it will be destroyed when the local user leaves, and won't be saved either (marking it non-persistant).

public static Button LocalActionButton<T>(this UIBuilder builder, in LocaleString text, Action<Button, T> action, T argument)


builder UIBuilder

The builder to use for creating the button.

text LocaleString

The text displayed on the button.

action Action<Button, T>

The action to run when pressed.

argument T

The extra argument to pass to the action when this button is pressed.



The button created by the FrooxEngine.UIX.UIBuilder.

Type Parameters


The type of the extra argument to pass to the action.

LocalActionButton<T>(UIBuilder, Uri, LocaleString, in colorX, in colorX, Action<Button, T>, T)

Creates a FrooxEngine.UIX.Button using the given text, icon, tints and action with an extra argument.
The action will be triggerable by anyone, as long as the creating FrooxEngine.User hasn't left the session. As such, it will be destroyed when the local user leaves, and won't be saved either (marking it non-persistant).

public static Button LocalActionButton<T>(this UIBuilder builder, Uri icon, LocaleString text, in colorX tint, in colorX spriteTint, Action<Button, T> action, T argument)


builder UIBuilder

The builder to use for creating the button.

icon Uri

The icon displayed on the button.

text LocaleString

The text displayed on the button.

tint colorX

The background color of the button.

spriteTint colorX

The tint of the icon.

action Action<Button, T>

The action to run when pressed.

argument T

The extra argument to pass to the action when this button is pressed.



The button created by the FrooxEngine.UIX.UIBuilder.

Type Parameters


The type of the extra argument to pass to the action.

LocalActionButton<T>(UIBuilder, Uri, LocaleString, Action<Button, T>, T)

Creates a FrooxEngine.UIX.Button using the given text, icon and action with an extra argument.
The action will be triggerable by anyone, as long as the creating FrooxEngine.User hasn't left the session. As such, it will be destroyed when the local user leaves, and won't be saved either (marking it non-persistant).

public static Button LocalActionButton<T>(this UIBuilder builder, Uri icon, LocaleString text, Action<Button, T> action, T argument)


builder UIBuilder

The builder to use for creating the button.

icon Uri

The icon displayed on the button.

text LocaleString

The text displayed on the button.

action Action<Button, T>

The action to run when pressed.

argument T

The extra argument to pass to the action when this button is pressed.



The button created by the FrooxEngine.UIX.UIBuilder.

Type Parameters


The type of the extra argument to pass to the action.

LocalActionButton<T>(UIBuilder, Uri, Action<Button, T>, T)

Creates a FrooxEngine.UIX.Button using the given icon and action with an extra argument.
The action will be triggerable by anyone, as long as the creating FrooxEngine.User hasn't left the session. As such, it will be destroyed when the local user leaves, and won't be saved either (marking it non-persistant).

public static Button LocalActionButton<T>(this UIBuilder builder, Uri icon, Action<Button, T> action, T argument)


builder UIBuilder

The builder to use for creating the button.

icon Uri

The icon displayed on the button.

action Action<Button, T>

The action to run when pressed.

argument T

The extra argument to pass to the action when this button is pressed.



The button created by the FrooxEngine.UIX.UIBuilder.

Type Parameters


The type of the extra argument to pass to the action.

SetupLocalAction<TButton>(TButton, Action<TButton>)

Sets up an FrooxEngine.IButton with the given action.
The action will be triggerable by anyone, as long as the creating FrooxEngine.User hasn't left the session. As such, it will be destroyed when the local user leaves, and won't be saved either (marking it non-persistant).

public static TButton SetupLocalAction<TButton>(this TButton button, Action<TButton> action) where TButton : IButton


button TButton

The button to set up with an action.

action Action<TButton>

The action to run when pressed.



The unchanged button.

Type Parameters


The specific type of the button.

SetupLocalAction<TButton, TArgument>(TButton, TArgument, Action<TButton, TArgument>)

Sets up an FrooxEngine.IButton with the given action and extra argument.
The action will be triggerable by anyone, as long as the creating FrooxEngine.User hasn't left the session. As such, it will be destroyed when the local user leaves, and won't be saved either (marking it non-persistant).

public static TButton SetupLocalAction<TButton, TArgument>(this TButton button, TArgument argument, Action<TButton, TArgument> action) where TButton : IButton


button TButton

The button to set up with an action.

argument TArgument

The extra argument to pass to the action when this button is pressed.

action Action<TButton, TArgument>

The action to run when pressed.



The unchanged button.

Type Parameters


The specific type of the button.


The type of the extra argument to pass to the action.